Small Poem

Let the dust settle and let the tears fall,

for not everyone is meant to have it all.

But that’s not to say things won’t get better,

and that’s not to say you can’t achieve your dreams, or be a go-getter. 

It just comes down to how you perceive you,

and how you handle yourself when you begin to feel blue. 

So don’t fret, don’t worry, oh don’t stress,

just strive and intend to do your best. 

About zedmondson

Zoe. 22. Australia. I'm writing to share my experiences with Bipolar Disorder with others. I believe in fighting stigma surrounding mental illness. I believe in being able to wear my heart on my sleeve; or on my blog. And I believe in myself. That's what my blog is all about. Hope you enjoy x View all posts by zedmondson

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