Panic Disorder & Illness.

I have been sick for almost a week now. This has gotten me to wonder;
Is Panic Disorder playing a cruel joke on me?
My symptoms are nausea and vomiting (I often vomit when I am overly anxious, it is horrid.), feeling run down and an occasional headache. I also can’t sleep so well. All of these things can be triggered by stress which has led me to believe that it could be in fact my mind that is ill, as well as my body. I have had plenty of stress as of late – and let me tell you this, I do not handle it well. I had to call in sick to work because I was vomiting a lot at 6am. I felt and still feel terrible about that. I have another shift coming up and I am terrified that I will have an anxiety attack while I am at work.
I hope that this is just a random virus that will go away, and not actually Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia making a strong return in my life.

About zedmondson

Zoe. 22. Australia. I'm writing to share my experiences with Bipolar Disorder with others. I believe in fighting stigma surrounding mental illness. I believe in being able to wear my heart on my sleeve; or on my blog. And I believe in myself. That's what my blog is all about. Hope you enjoy x View all posts by zedmondson

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