Stepping On A Flower 

When you step on a flower, it may become damaged, but the flower still lives, for it’s root system is still in place.

Though it may take some time, the flower will grow back; a little different to how it was before, though. 

This is much like humans lives, and I feel as though it’s important to know this analogy. 

Mental illness causes so many to feel as though they’ve been stepped on. Hell, kicked when they’re down, too.

After you’ve been stepped on, you may feel as though you could never repair, but the fact of the matter is that you are still living and breathing – just a little different to how you used to be. 

And that’s okay! 

It’s okay to change, in fact, it should be embraced. For each time you are stepped on and shoot up again, you learn something new, and you remember that life will continue even when it gets tougher than usual.

You’re still breathing, you’re still here, please embrace it. 

About zedmondson

Zoe. 22. Australia. I'm writing to share my experiences with Bipolar Disorder with others. I believe in fighting stigma surrounding mental illness. I believe in being able to wear my heart on my sleeve; or on my blog. And I believe in myself. That's what my blog is all about. Hope you enjoy x View all posts by zedmondson

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